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Toate traducerile - tung75

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Franceză Forts d'une grande expérience en...
Forts d'une grande expérience en développement sur les langages leaders du marché, nos produits couvrent un très large éventail de perspectives informatiques.
La gamme de nos services et produits s'étend de la conception du site web vitrine à la boutique e-commerce en n'omettant pas le logiciel installable et tout le nuancier des personnalisations possibles.

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Română Datorită unei experienÅ£e vaste cu
Engleză Due to a large experience...
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Engleză 2. we need to install foundation, open * it wil...
2. we need to install foundation, open * it wil tell you that foundation is not installed click yes and they will install it

3. to install the steamrunner extract all the files to a temporary folder, ok now that that is done you should see a folder with the name of the mod you downloaded click on it and now you should see 2 folders Data Scripts And Sfx

5. open * and click game tools on the right you should see “***” click on it and in species choose the menu you want it to be in then click make plugin and a box will show up that says

1. extract the rar file to your td and double click on the * file and your done, the ship is installed
Pouvez vous me traduire cette notice de jeu en Français de France! je l'ai reduit au maxi ! merci ! les nom on eté mis en *** pour prendre moin de place

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Franceză Installation jeu
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Sârbă a ja cu se snac za ostalo i tebi se dubogo...
a ja cu se snac za ostalo i tebi se dubogo zahvalit i oduzit se maximalno.lepoto. zelim da ti se zahvalim za sva lazna obecanja.necu ti smeta, a nadam se da ce mo se sresti. mislio sam da mi se neces nikad javit. ja treba sad da dodjem. nego nemam kod koga da budem neki par dana.nijesam ti nista l;ose u radio.

Traduceri completate
Engleză I'lll manage everything else
Franceză Je vais m'occuper de tout le reste.